from Messiah
(Click the title to
view and hear online)
arrangement offers the early adolescent singer a setting of a significant masterwork.. The
arrangement was designed for a choir comprised of the entire
student body in grades 7-9 at the
Blessed Sacrament School in
Tallahassee, Florida and taught Dr. Irvin Cooper, originator of the
Cambiata Concept.
The group was a laboratory choir for Dr. Cooper to demonstrate the
tenets of the concept for students at Florida State University.
Stan Richison applied the tenets of the Cambiata Concept by
modifying the ranges and changing the key of the work. The octave leaps
are removed to assist young singers whose voices are changing so they are able
to execute the intervals with ease. The challenging contrapuntal section
(measures 22-32) may be included or omitted at the desire of the director
depending upon the capabilities of the singers.
Access the
four-part variable voicing chart to view possible uses of the work with
different age groups. It is particularly useful as a SSAM (M=men)
arrangement with groups (high school, college, and adult ages) who have a
majority of women and few men.
Music by G. F. Handel
Adapted and arranged by Stan
Four-part Variable Voicing
with Piano or Organ
Cambiata Press catalog
This work is available in E-Print.
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Order hard-copy scores from your favorite music publisher, J.W.Pepper, Inc., or directly from Cambiata Press.