When you click the title of the song below you will be able to access an engraved copy of the piece.  When the new page appears, if you haven't already downloaded the scorch plug-in, you will be asked to do so. This plug-in gives you access to all the scores on the Cambiata Press website.  After the music appears on your screen, there are TWO WAYS to view and hear it:

1.  Click the "play" icon and you will hear the piece played electronically, and as it plays, the cursor will lead your vision through the piece.  Read the text as you listen to the music.


2.  Click the "Hear Choir Audio" link (upper right hand corner) to hear a choral ensemble sing the piece.  Use the Sibelius "page" icon to move the pages of the engraved copy manually as you listen.  Do not click the "play" icon while the ensemble is singing or you will hear both renditions simultaneously.


Early One Morning - Parts 1 & 2


You may Order or from J.W. Pepper


TITLE:  Early One Morning



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Cambiata Press
Denton, Texas
Brevard, North Carolina
