Cambiata Press



Click the title of the pieces to view and hear them online.



C=Cambiata       B=Baritone

Relative to those marked with an asterisk (*), please purchase Parts III for Cambiatas, Part IV for Adolescent Baritones, and one copy of the choral score for the director.  Read about the Features of this Unique Series for more details.

Alexander’s Ragtime Band  Berlin/Gaus T408212

America   Carey/Siltman  P110401

*America, the Beautiful   Ward/Collins

*Aren't You Glad That It's Christmas  Hoover/Collins  MM10714cs

*Christmas Is a Time for Joy  Theron Kirk  

*Deck the Halls  Old Welsh Air/Spencer 

*Deep River  Spiritual/Collins  MM110611cs

Down the River  American/Green  U485182

*Early One Morning  English/Cooper

Get on Board   Spiritual/John  S411216

*Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - Don L. Collins 

Hear the Choir of Voices Singing   Russian/Knight  TT20207

*He's Got the Whole World - Spiritual/Cooper  

*Jingle Bells - Traditional/Collins  

Las Mañanitas  Mexican/Collins  T50303

Poor Man Laz'rus  Spiritual/Suerte   S17675

*Praise to the Lord - Stralson Gesanbuch (1665) 

Pray Tell Me, Oh, Please Tell Me  Mexican/Collins  U117696

Salty Dog  American/Siltman  T100303

*Silent Night  Gruber/Collins  MM110612cs

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child  Spiritual/Driggers S97690

*Teacher, Help Me - Linda A. Spencer

*The Keeper - English/Rousseau 

There Is A Lady Collins T90201

This Train American/Siltman U1106207

*Who Is Sylvia  Schubert/Collins




T=Treble     C=Cambiata

Purchase Part I (Version I) or Part II (Version II) for Boy Trebles, Part III for Cambiatas, and one copy of the choral score for the director.  Read about the Features of this Unique Series for more details.  Those marked with asterisk (*) are only available to be purchased as a choral score.

America, the Beautiful - Ward/Collins  (version I)

America, the Beautiful - Ward/Collins  (version II)

Aren't You Glad That It's Christmas  Hoover/Collins  MM10714cs  (version I)

Aren't You Glad That It's Christmas  Hoover/Collins  MM10714cs  (version II)

Christmas Is a Time for Joy - Theron Kirk (version I)

Christmas Is a Time for Joy - Theron Kirk (version II)

Deck the Halls - Old Welsh Air/Spencer (version I)

Deck the Halls - Old Welsh Air/Spencer (version II)

Deep River  Spiritual/Collins  MM110611cs (version I)

Deep River  Spiritual/Collins  MM110611cs (version II)

*Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes English/Lawrence U485181

Early One Morning - English/Cooper (version I)

 Early One Morning - English/Cooper (version II)

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - Don L. Collins (version I)

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - Don L. Collins (version II)

He's Got the Whole World - Spiritual/Cooper (version I)

He's Got the Whole World - Spiritual/Cooper (version II)

*Holly and the Ivy, The   Traditional/Collins   L97688

Jingle Bells - Traditional/Collins (version I)

Jingle Bells - Traditional/Collins (version II)

The Keeper - English/Rousseau (version I)

The Keeper - English/Rousseau (version II)

*Love Is the Seed   Andy Gaus   A909215

Praise to the Lord - Stralson Gesanbuch (1665) (version I)

Praise to the Lord - Stralson Gesanbuch (1665) (version II)

Silent Night  Gruber/Collins  MM110612cs (version I)

Silent Night  Gruber/Collins  MM110612cs (version II)

Teacher, Help Me - Linda A. Spencer (version I)

Teacher, Help Me - Linda A. Spencer (version II)

The True Gift of Christmas  Gilbreath/Collins MM10713sc (version II only)

Who Is Sylvia  Schubert/Collins (version I)

Who Is Sylvia  Schubert/Collins (version II)




C=Cambiata      B=Baritone


Alleluia   Bach/Siltman  M486198

America   Carey/Siltman  P110402

Deep River  Spiritual/Springfield   S97565

Down the River American/Green U485182

Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes English/Lawrence U485181

Holly and the Ivy, The  English/Collins  L97688

Li'l Liza Jane American/Swenson U979134

*Love Is the Seed   Andy Gaus   A909215

O, Sing Unto the Lord   Swenson S982163

Scarborough Fair English/Swenson U97691

Three Christmas Carols  Medley/Swenson  U979133  



C=Cambiata     B=Baritone


America Carey/Siltman P486197

America the Beautiful Ward/Siltman P980147

Be Strong and Wise in the Lord Collins C97689

Christmas Medley  Swenson  U97566

Emmanuel's Birth Medley/Siltman U982161

Ezekiel Saw the Wheel   Spiritual/Siltman  S210217

Fairest Lord Jesus Willis/Lawrence U983180

Go Tell It on the Mountain  Spiritual/Siltman  S210216

Hear the Choir of Voices Singing   Russian/Knight  TT20207

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Bach/Siltman M97687

Las Mañanitas  Mexican/Collins  T50303

Medley for Christmas  Siltman  U978115

Oh, Won't You Sit Down?  Spiritual/Lawrence  U982162

O, Mary Don't You Weep  Spiritual/Siltman  S210218

Poor Man Laz'rus  Spiritual/Suerte   S17675

Pray Tell Me, Oh, Please Tell Me  Mexican/Collins  U117696

Psalm 103  Russian/Knight  TT20208

Salty Dog American/Siltman U485183

Sea Song, A   Cunningham/Swenson   C981158

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child  Spiritual/Driggers S97690 

Spiritual Trilogy Medley/Siltman S980148

This Train American/Siltman S980114

Vive L'Amour College Song/Siltman U980146

Who Came to See?  Baker  C485181



T=Treble, C=Cambiata, and B=Baritone


Relative to those marked with an asterisk (*), please purchase Parts I (Version I) or Part II (Version II) for Boy Trebles, Part III (all versions) for Cambiatas, Part IV for Baritones (all versions), and one copy of the choral score for the director.  Read about the Features of this Unique Series for more details

Alleluia   Bach/Siltman  M486198

America   Carey/Siltman  P110402

*America, the Beautiful - Ward/Collins  (version I)

*America, the Beautiful - Ward/Collins  (version II)

Aren't You Glad That It's Christmas  Hoover/Collins  MM10714cs  (version I)

Aren't You Glad That It's Christmas  Hoover/Collins  MM10714cs  (version II)

*Christmas Is a Time for Joy - Theron Kirk (version I)

*Christmas Is a Time for Joy - Theron Kirk (version II)

*Deck the Halls - Old Welsh Air/Spencer (version I)

*Deck the Halls - Old Welsh Air/Spencer (version II)

*Deep River  Spiritual/Collins  MM110611cs (version I)

*Deep River  Spiritual/Collins  MM110611cs (version II)

Deep River  Spiritual/Springfield   S97565

Down the River American/Green U485182

Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes English/Lawrence U485181

*Early One Morning - English/Cooper (version I)

 *Early One Morning - English/Cooper (version II)

*Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - Don L. Collins (version I)

*Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - Don L. Collins (version II)

Hear the Choir of Voices Singing   Russian/Knight  TT20207

*He's Got the Whole World - Spiritual/Cooper (version I)

*He's Got the Whole World - Spiritual/Cooper (version II)

Holly and the Ivy, The  English/Collins  L97688

*Jingle Bells - Traditional/Collins (version I)

*Jingle Bells - Traditional/Collins (version II)

*Keeper, The - English/Rousseau (version I)

* Keeper, The - English/Rousseau (version II)

Li'l Liza Jane American/Swenson U979134

Las Mañanitas  Mexican/Collins  T50303

*Love Is the Seed   Andy Gaus   A909215

O, It's Good Bye Liza Jane  American/Ehret  U97321

O Sing Unto the Lord Swenson S982163

Poor Man Laz'rus  Spiritual/Suerte   S17675

*Praise to the Lord - Stralson Gesanbuch (1665) (version I)

*Praise to the Lord - Stralson Gesanbuch (1665) (version II)

Pray Tell Me, Oh, Please Tell Me  Mexican/Collins  U117696

Psalm 103  Russian/Knight  TT20208

Salty Dog American/Siltman U485183  (CBB only)

Scarborough Fair English/Swenson U97691

Shady Grove Appalachian/Nichols U981157

*Silent Night  Gruber/Collins  MM110612cs (version I)

*Silent Night  Gruber/Collins  MM110612cs (version II)

*Teacher, Help Me - Linda A. Spencer (version I)

*Teacher, Help Me - Linda A. Spencer (version II)

Three Christmas Carols  Medley/Swenson  U979133  

True Gift of Christmas, The  Gilbreath/Collins MM10713sc (version II only)

This Train  American/Siltman U1106207

*Who Is Sylvia  Schubert/Collins (version I)

*Who Is Sylvia  Schubert/Collins (version II)




C=Cambiata     B=Baritone


Ave Maria  Arcadelt/Johnstone  M97442

Blessed Is The Man  Butler/Rich  C97564

Brother, Show Us the Way Beal C97444

Can There Be No Greater Song? Collins/Kirby  T90102

Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? Spiritual/Springfield S97445

Integer Vitae (Father Almighty) Flemming/Johnstone M97562

Poor Lonesome Cowboy American/Giles U97446

Together We'll Make the Journey Beal L97563

What Do All of These Things Mean? Kirby/Rich L97443

Where'er You Walk  Cram  C978113



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Cambiata Press
Denton, Texas
Brevard, North Carolina
